Living a Detox Lifestyle - Health, Wellness and Beauty

If Your New Year's Resolution is to Quit Smoking…

quit smoking

With the beginning of a new year, many of us resolve to achieve a new, healthier version of ourselves by ridding harmful habits and behaviors. The following is nutritional support to help kick the smoking habit. Finding way to cope with stress is paramount as stress and smoking go hand in hand for the reason that nicotine addiction causes stress. The cravings for a cigarette feel stressful; when your body is without nicotine you begin to go through withdrawal. Recommendations: Avoid alcohol Avoid overbooking yourself Avoid fried foods Avoid hydrogenated oils- canola oil, safflower oil, margarine, corn oil Avoid sugar...

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Natural Solutions for Women to Boost Sex Drive

boost sex drive female libido low libido sex drive

  What causes a low libido? For women it can be complicated to determine. If you are going through the peri-menopausal years or post menopause, declining hormones could be a culprit.  If you have a pre-existing medical condition including but not limited to diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure can also cause your sex drive to be inhibited. Medications can cause low sex drive such as anti-depressants. Fatigue and pregnancy as well. There are emotional reasons that cause low libido- stress, relationship issues, financial issues, job stress, depression and anxiety. For women, if you’re not relating with your partner on an...

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Recognizing Negative Patterns and Breaking Them

how to break negative patterns Negative patterns staying present what you resist persists

      Chaos, drama and pain are symptoms of patterns of energy we haven’t been able to change yet. We can’t change the way we are unless we make a conscious effort. We all have childhood trauma that triggers in our adult lives and fall victim all too often through our repeating negative patterns, whether they be with our family, coworkers, friends or intimate partners. The universe will not stop until you pay attention, recognize old patterns and begin to understand the lesson and true nature of being our authentic self.  We are here for more than simply repeating...

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Are You Depressed?

6 day cleanse anxiety depression Most depressed country

  “The World Health Organization [WHO] released its new list of the world's most depressed countries. The US comes in third after India and China. Unipolar depressions, anxiety, drug and alcohol abuse are the root causes of this, according to a large number of experts.” Well, if this doesn’t tell you where we are headed, nothing will. How can we not be depressed; the news is all about acts of violence, tragedies, terrorist attacks and then there’s American politics; the biggest joke of all! What can we do for ourselves during this high stress time and our precarious future? Toxins come...

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Chicken & Vegetable Salad-Post Cleanse Meal

cayenne pepper chicken and vegetable salad cleanse meals post cleanse meal

  ~ 3 oz. cube organic chicken breast (6oz. for men)~ 1 1/2 cups of organic mixed greens~ 1/2 of a organic tomato~ 1/2 of a organic cucumber~ 1/4 of an organic avocado (half of a half)~Walnut oil or Grapseed oil ~ Bragg Liquid Aminos Spray or coconut aminos~ Cayenne Pepper~ LemonOver medium heat, spray pan with Grapeseed oil or walnut oil. Add chicken and cook until done. Plate the mixed greens, add the tomato, cucumber, chicken, and avocado. Spray with Braggs. Squeeze some lemon over the salad and sprinkle with Cayenne pepper. Toss and enjoy!

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